If you decide to contribute you will be helping us cover our everyday expenses, such as:
- Cat food! This is our most important expense. A 9 kg bag of dry cat food will last two and a half weeks. It costs $379 pesos, which are about $30 dollars. Wet food cans cost around a dollar each.
- Cat litter. 3 kg cost around $9 dollars
- Medical bills. A visit to the vet costs around $20 dollars. Deworming each cat costs around $8 dollars. Times 11 cats that's $88 dollars!
If you decide to donate you will be helping us keep up Casa de Balam as a safe home for these cats, and hopefully more of them in the future.
We are setting our campaign goal at $900 that we will be spending across the next three months. If we go over our campaign goal or have any money left over we will use those funds to donate food to other animal rescue groups in Mexico City.
We don't have a lot of resources to give out rewards but all donors over $100 will receive a handmade felt cat. Donors over $50 will receive a felt cat hand puppet. Everyone will be able to see photos and video of the cats and where their donations are being spent.
Please help us by sharing our campaign with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and email contacts. Remember to spay and neuter your pets.
From Lucrecia, Cuauhtemoc, William and all the kitties at Casa de Balam, THANK YOU!
- See more at: http://fundanything.com/en/campaigns/casa-de-balam-kitties#sthash.b9fishwV.dpuf